Industry Specific CRM Solutions for Diverse Industries

Bhea SugarCRM professional services

CRM for Professional Services

As Professional Services companies grow over a period of time, managing the information about customers and the services rendered to them become crucial and CRM helps in optimising the interactions.

CRM for Professional Services Automation
Bhea SugarCRM event management

CRM for Event Management

An Event Management company has two responsibilities, one to ensure the Event is operationally conducted well and the second and most important thing bring participation to the minimum expectation level.

Bhea's Event CRM Solution - Optimized for Event Management
Bhea SugarCRM membership management

CRM for Subscription and Membership Management

With the increase in the number of on demand applications, there are many companies that offer monthly subscription services for their products and services.

SugarCRM for Membership Management
Bhea SugarCRM Travel-companies

CRM for Corporate Travel Companies

The travel industry has taken a huge step forward in terms of depending on internet and smartphones. Individuals whoever wants to go on business travel, family travel or tourist travel are doing.

Streamlining CRM for corporate travel companies.
Bhea SugarCRM telecom

CRM for Telecom Companies

Telecom companies have by now mastered the art of marketing and sales. Especially for telecom broadband players the differentiation of the product features is becoming thinner and thinner.

SugarCRM for telecom Industry

CRM for Educational Institutes

Education sector is one thing that has grown in importance over the last few decades. Mostly the education has moved towards skill orientation from the very early stages.

Comprehensive SugarCRM solutions
Bhea SugarCRM manufacturing

CRM for Manufacturing and Product Distribution Companies

Manufacturing along with other industries has seen a significant transformation in the last two decades. From being a distribution centric industry, it has moved towards customer centric.

Customised SugarCRM For Manufacturing Industries
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