Sugar Developer Essentials
Integrate Sugar with RESTFul API - Basics
Upcoming Classes
Duration: 3 Hours
Price: $330
This training program is designed for Sugar developers. The primary objective is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the RESTful API, focusing on its consumption aspect. Whether you’re taking your first steps into the world of web services or venturing into Sugar’s API domain for the first time, this training is thoughtfully designed to meet your needs.
Topics Covered
- Web Services Fundamentals
- API Types: RESTful and SOAP
- Sugar APIs Introduction
- Navigating Sugar's API Documentation
- Easy Interaction with Postman
- Benefits of Using API
Hands on Practice
- Hands-On with Postman
- Using Postman with Sugar
- Creating API Calls
- Modifying API Requests
- Getting into Sugar with Authentication mechanism using Postman.
- Practical exercises for API Calls
Intended Audience
Pricing and Plans
Sugar Developer Essentials
- In-depth comprehension of codebase structure and functionality.
- Understanding the organization of directories and files in the SugarCRM.
- Learning how to efficiently move through the SugarCRM directory hierarchy.
- Getting acquainted with the SugarCRM platform and its development principles.
- Learning to customize and develop modules within the SugarCRM ecosystem.
- Exploring LogicHooks and event handling mechanisms for extending functionality.
- Exploring the Extension Framework for expanding SugarCRM capabilities.
- Understanding the SideCar Framework used for creating modern user interfaces.
- Learn how the SugarCRM Extension Framework and Sugar Bean Factory work to customize and extend the platform.
- Understand how to create and use logic hooks with the Sugar Extension Framework and Sugar Bean Factory to add custom functionality.
- Learn how to set up business rules and trigger them automatically using logic hooks.
- Get a clear idea of how Vardefs determine what fields and relationships are in each module and how you can change them.
- Learn how to change or add field and relationship settings using the vardef extension framework.
- Explore the fundamentals of SugarCRM's User Interface and how it can be customized.
- Explore the Sidecar Client-Side MVC Framework, which manages the UI structure and interactions.
- Develop JavaScript-based customizations to modify the behavior and appearance of the UI.
- Customize the Record View to display tailored information and improve the user workflow.
- Create Custom Dashlets for personalized data displays and functionality on dashboards.
- Implement custom view enhancements and validations with View/Validation-based Extensions.
- Explore Postman features and its capabilities for API testing and interaction.
- Explore techniques to formulate API requests for various operations.
- Discover how to use APIs to establish connections between Sugar and external applications.
- Understand the value of integrating third-party apps to extend Sugar's functionality.
- Gain hands-on experience in manipulating data within SugarCRM using APIs.
- Understand best practices for utilizing Sugar's APIs in a systematic and efficient manner.
- Learn how to ensure data integrity, security, and consistent performance during integration.
Sugar for End Users
Price: $150
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Price: $150
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Sugar Administration Essentials
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Duration: 3 Hours
Price: $225
Duration: 3 Hours