Hosting and Deploying On Premise SugarCRM for your business

We help and facilitate your SugarCRM hosting and deployment

Whether hosting on your own premises or on a private cloud, or utilizing a public cloud service like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure, we have the competency to recommend the right sizing configuration and to configure, install, and deploy SugarCRM On-Premise CRM – Sugar Enterprise or Sugar Enterprise+.

On Premise Hosting

Bhea can help companies with sizing for SugarCRM deployment and can also remotely install SugarCRM on either a LAMP Stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) or a WIMP stack (Windows, IIS, MySQL, PHP). Once installed, we check for performance and hand over maintenance responsibilities to the company’s internal IT team or take ownership of maintenance and support.

Private Cloud

If your company maintains a private cloud with any data center or a leading cloud infrastructure provider, Bhea can work on the private cloud to install and get your SugarCRM up and running.

Public Cloud

Public cloud infrastructure companies like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud provide hosting services. We can assist you in selecting the appropriate public cloud infrastructure and setting up the Sugar Enterprise edition, as well as providing ongoing maintenance.

SugarCRM hosting on Amazon Web Services
SugarCRM hosting on Microsoft Azure Servers
SugarCRM hosting on Google Cloud Servers

End to End SugarCRM Hosting Services

01 - Hardware Sizing

The first step for on premise CRM planning is hardware sizing based on the data, transactions as well as simultaneous proposed users. Bhea helps in coming out with the right sizing option for your on premise SugarCRM. Whether a physical server on premise or private cloud or public cloud, we can suggest the CPUs, Disk size and RAM required.

02 - Setup and Installation

Once hardware sizing is done, the next step is to configure the instance and install SugarCRM Enterprise edition with all its pre requisites. Apart from the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) or WIMP stack (Windows, IS, MS SQL and PHP) installation, our experts help in security and high availability configuration.

03 - Deployment Testing

When we are configuring SugarCRM for a high volume or secure installation, it is always good to test for volumes to see how the speed varies based on the simultaneous users.

04 - Support and Maintenance

We provide comprehensive support and maintenance services to ensure you do you what you are best at and while we take care of your SugarCRM on premise installation.

Bhea SugarCRM hosting services

SugarCRM Migration from one cloud to another cloud

Sometimes shifting your SugarCRM from
one cloud to another might be time
consuming. Bhea has migrated SugarCRM
from IBM Cloud to Google Cloud and AWS
to Google Cloud and AWS to Microsoft
Azure. Connect with our technical team
to understand your needs for migration.

Migration from Sugar Cloud to On Premise

If you are currently on Sugar Cloud but
due to high data size requirements or for
any other corporate policy reasons, want
to migrate to On Premise, Our experts
can plan and execute the migration well.

Migration from On Premise to Cloud

If you want to migrate from your existing
On Premise to Sugar Cloud, we test the
system and make it ready for migration to
the latest Sugar Cloud version.

The best Enterprise CRM for On Premise Deployment

Choose the right version suitable for you

Sugar Enterprise


per user per month
3 users minimum
billed annually

Sugar Enterprise +


per user per month
10 users minimum
billed annually

More Information about Sugar Enterprise and Sugar Enterprise +

Are you interested in learning more about Sugar Enterprise Editions? Download the Detailed Information about Sugar Enterprise.

Interested in downloading or comparing all Sugar Enterprise Editions? Download Enterprise Editions Comparison Sheet. This will help you understand which edition suits your organization best.

Are you considering on-premise CRM solutions? Explore Sugar Enterprise CRM’s feature-rich capabilities.

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