Sugar Training for End Users

Getting Started with Sugar

Comprehensive Onboarding Training for SugarCRM End Users

Applicable for

Sugar Sell

Sugar Serve

Sugar Enterprise

Upcoming Classes

Duration 3 Hours

Price $ 150

Bhea SugarCRM end user training

Learn Sugar with Practice

Learn the essentials of using SugarCRM as a Business User. You will learn how to navigate the sugar application, create records, convert leads, create activities, maintain the sales pipeline with sugar opportunities, and much more.

This enables you to use Sugar in your day-to-day life. The sessions include a comprehensive demo of the features as well as practical assignments that make participants familiar with Sugar.

Topics Covered

This course covers the following topics in depth

Hands on Practice

Intended Audience

Sales Executives, Sales Managers, Support Executives and Support Managers.

Pricing and Plans

Comprehensive SugarCRM End Users training by Bhea

Sugar for End Users

Sugar Reports Creation and Dashboard Setup
SugarCRM Logo

Price: $150

Duration: 2 Hours

Sugar Forecast Configuration and Usage
SugarCRM Logo

Price: $150

Duration: 2 Hours

Sugar Import Functionality
SugarCRM Logo

Price: $150

Duration: 2 Hours

Comprehensive SugarCRM Admin Users training by Bhea

Sugar Administration Essentials

Implement Users, Teams and Role Based Permissions in Sugar
SugarCRM Logo


3 Hours

Configure Sugar with Developer Tools
Studio and Module Builder
SugarCRM Logo


3 Hours

Configure Sugar with SugarLogic
Studio Logic Builder
SugarCRM Logo


3 Hours


Advanced Workflow Creation with SugarBPM
Deep Dive and Practice
SugarCRM Logo

3 Hours

Comprehensive SugarCRM Developer training by Bhea

Sugar Developer Essentials

Sugar Developer Framework and Directory Structure
SugarCRM Logo


3 Hours

Sugar RESTFul API Basics
Testing with Postman
SugarCRM Logo


3 Hours

Sugar RESTFul API Advanced
Extending Sugar APIs
SugarCRM Logo


3 Hours

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