CRM for Call Centers

CRM for Call Centers and BPOs

There are several departments in a company / organization that needs direct or indirect interaction with customers. Of all the departments, the call center executives are the ones who communicates with customers on a regular basis. The typical interaction of a call center executive with a customer might be for any of the following;

Multi Channel Context

When a prospect or customer is contacting the support member, it represents the responsiveness of the company. They may be interacting through email, phone, fax, portal or social media; but since it is the most vibrant department receiving interactions from all types of channels, the response should be streamlined. Whoever from the support executives is interacting with the customers, if he/she has a single point of view of the customer, one should be able to give a sensitive response. This needs integration between the CTI and CRM. Based on the number from which the call is being received or the email ID from which the ticket is raised, the support executive should be able to get all the right information and should be capable of giving sensible information to the customer.

Single Point View of a Customer

When a customer is calling a support centre, his primary concern is to get his problem solved immediately or to receive the required information at the earliest. So, having all the information about the customer in one place for the customer support executive response is the key to the successful completion of the support call. SugarCRM’s ability to keep all the information about the company, contacts, opportunities, products, support contracts and tickets helps the support executive in giving an immediate answer to the customer. A SugarCRM tightly integrated with the customer’s contact channel context is key for this. Bhea has tightly integrated SugarCRM with many channels through which customers may interact and these channels include CTI, Chat Software, Social Media channels like Facebook and Twitter etc.

CTI Integration with SugarCRM

Bhea has implemented end-to-end CRM + CTI solution for call centres and BPOs. A third party call centre that supports a large number of customers, also requires the customer data for the right response to be given away to the customer. This required pulling the information from the large customer IT infrastructure which is an essential data for the support executive. There are multiple ways to bring that data to the call centre side and Bhea has used methods like synchronous data migration and asynchronous data migration using RTL tools and Csv files.

Support Executive Collaboration

When customer support executives are working on a ticket, SugarCRM can act as the collaborating tool for making them solve the problems much faster. The knowledge base articles module helps in converting each complex or unique customer problem and keeps its solution as an article for future reference. The executive can easily search in the knowledge base for any similar problems that are already being solved by experienced executives and any new executive can use the knowledge base articles as a source to learn things for his quick productivity.

SugarCRM’s social features like tagging and activity

Contact one of our Business Analysts who can understand your requirement and suggest a good solution.

Email us or speak directly to one of our Business Analysts to understand Call Centre and BPOs services that suits your organisation. Email: or Call us at Singapore : +65 6824 8290, New York : +1 438 501 7715

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