SugarCRM Developer Trainings by Bhea

Sugar Developer Essentials

Comprehensive  and Real world Training for Sugar Developers

Upcoming Classes

Duration 2 Hours

Price $ 330

Sugar Developer Essentials offers a fundamental training opportunity for new and existing developers. Enhance your skills and confidence in working with Sugar through hands-on training with our expert SugarCRM trainers. This training is designed for new Sugar developers who are responsible for doing customizations and integrations with Sugar.

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Price: $150

Duration: 2 Hours

In this training, we’re helping sugar developers understand two important technical aspects. First, we’re diving into the way SugarCRM is organized – its folders and files. This will help developers locate things easily. Second, we’re explaining how the Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework works. This framework divides tasks like managing data, handling the user interface, and controlling logic in a smart way. By the end, developers will be able to move around SugarCRM’s setup and get how the different parts work together. This will make it easier for them to add new things and customize the system effectively.

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Price: $150

Duration:2 Hours

This training is designed to help Sugar developers understand how to use RESTful APIs in a practical way. It covers the basics of Sugar APIs and shows how to use a tool called Postman to test them. This training is highly valuable for those who are new to Sugar’s RESTful API and are also getting started with Web Services. During the training, participants will get familiar with Postman, a tool used to test APIs. This tool will help developers connect Sugar with other apps by using the API. By the end of the training, attendees will know how to make the most of Postman to smoothly integrate third-party apps, allowing them to use Sugar’s APIs effectively for better system integration.

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Price: $150

Duration: 2 Hours

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